
Welcome to Miss Molly and Aspergers! :)

Hello there, welcome to my blog Miss Molly and Aspergers! My name is Molly and I am a teenage girl with Aspergers Syndrome.

I have created this blog to help create awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

TIP: Search Aspergers on Facebook and you will find dozens of amazing communities and support networks! If you choose to interact in one of these communities, you may even make some great friends who are also Aspies, like I have.

Why you may find use in my blog:
Insight, support, self-research/experience and understanding (awareness) will be covered in the content of Miss Molly and Aspergers, including the following subjects and more:

- Bullying/dealing with peers
- Surviving in social situations
- Hobbies/Obsessions and Interests
- School/Life
- Communication - Social skills - Understanding spoken and unspoken language norms.
- Sensory Issues/ sound, smell, sight, taste, feel, (textures) - the ability to experience heightened senses - and coping with the strong diversions (intolerance)
- Importance of Routine and Structure
- Friendships
- Coping with Meltdowns and dealing with the aftermath (consequences - I.e Social embarrassment)
- Dealing with people who do not acknowledge the existence of The Autism Spectrum (ASD). People who therefore are unable to acknowledge the rhyme and reasons for your differences.

Copy Cats Beware

© Molly Tylor and Miss Molly and Aspergers, 2013-2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Molly Tylor and Miss Molly and Aspergers with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What It Is Like To Be Me - A Girl With Aspergers Syndrome

My goal for this post is to give you an insight on what it is like for a person to have Aspergers Syndrome. 

Eye Contact:
Everyday I go out into the world feeling worried and fearful of situations where people will expect eye contact from me. I know I can't possibly possibly give it with absolute ease. Usually eye contact with me is awkward and they are left wondering why I can't look them in the eye.
It is impossible to tell everyone I have Aspergers.  I am not going to tell every shop keeper or person I come across.

I have been bullied! By people younger then me, the same age as me, even much older then me, including adults.
I have grown to fear people talking negatively about me. As I have experienced this most of my life.
This is where Aspies are sometimes called 'paranoid', which I can be at times. When I hear people mentioning my name, I instantly think its something bad about me. 
This is a result of the many times at school I had walked in on my peers speaking badly about me.

I need absoulute acceptance when it comes to friendship making and socializing which is so hard to find. Most of the time peers do not look beyond my Aspergers (they see its negatives, not its positives) to see my good qualities (In a few posts I have outlined what my qualities are and I think you can agree, they are the most things you want in a friend). 
I struggle very much to make friends, and I struggle even harder to keep them. I cannot count how many times my heart has been broken from as loss of a friendship.

I often say very obvious things. A little known fact:  Aspies like me need to release our thoughts. It is part of they way we process situations and our surroundings. Many people find this annoying though. Which is frustrating as we try very hard to contain our thoughts.

One of the most common traits of Aspergers is being literal. For me this means I do not understand double meanings (I have learnt some but I have to think about them). It means I am easy to fool. This is where I have been the subject of many pranks. Because of this trait I often feel dumb or stupid.
In the past I have come home and cried for hours from a hard day at school of being pranked. Because no matter how hard I try, I know I cannot be what you call 'street smart' and socialize easily like other people my age do. 

School Work:
With school work, I am confident and I know when I have the chance to concentrate fully I can do amazing work. Maths is my strongest subject which I actually enjoy doing.
However in the school environment I can fail easily. Not because I lack intelligence,  but because of distractions. As well as having not been given enough time to complete my work to the best of my ability.
With my school work I use a lot of detail. Many times I have written a thousand words over the word limit.
As my mum has said often to my teachers; I produce less work, but the work I produce is of highest quality. This is in comparison to the average neurotypical students who produces lots of work of average standard.

As an aspie girl I have a few hobbies. It is well known because of Aspies large attention span when it comes to things they like. We can be found in a corner at ten o'clock in the morning and found in the same place hours after dark when we are focusing on something that interests us.
Aspies can be shining stars when it comes to an interest.
This is hugely evident in the way Bill Gates (a fellow Aspie) became so successful with his computer programs. 
Personally, I like to photograph and make jewellery and I never fail to have amazing comments and compliments given to me.

Unaccepting People:
I deal with many people who are intolerant of me.
I am always left feeling like I am annoying them when I am simply being me and carrying out my tasks. It actually affects me deeply to be called annoying. I'm sure it affects other Aspies too.
I am excluded constantly, because people feel its easier to socialize with my other family members or friends who are non-aspies. Rather then myself.

Having been officially diagnosed with Aspergers at 9 years old. Before and after then I have meet many many psychologists and doctors with so many different opinions; from OCD to just saying I am painfully shy.  I would say I have seen at least 10 different psychologists and psychiatrists in my life time and I know many of you would have similar experiences.
This has caused my family and I a lot of grief. An example of this is they have treated me for OCD, which did not work and only caused meltdowns. 
Many times I have felt hopeless, because of the psychiatrists inflexible thinking, they refuse to see the way my mum and I see it. They always have to be more right then the previous psychiatrists.

I have just giving you a number of my experiences with having Aspergers. This is what I have to deal with everyday and other Aspies too. 

~Molly xo

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Dealing with Close-Minded and Unaccepting People

If you have Aspergers or support someone with Aspergers it is highly likely you have met or come across people who not only misunderstand you and Aspergers. They refuse to learn how they can understand!

As I have said many times:
You can give and provide them the information as much as you like. People are not going to read it unless they want to.
Close minded people do not change their way of thinking once they believe something.
So if they think people with Aspergers are weird, not normal or they find your differences annoying. They are going to continue to believe this no matter how much information you provide. 
We now know these people are not going to change (just like we can't change who we are).
Now this is where we need to learn how to deal and cope with these people.

The most common places you will find close minded people are:
Through social networks, such as:
  • School
  • In your family
  • Workplace
  • Family friends
  • Friends of friends
  • Online: such as Facebook, twitter, forums, etc.

What are the signs a person is close-minded, intolerant and misunderstanding?

  • They do not tolerate your behaviours, such as common things you do and say.
  • They ignore you or get easily distracted when you are explaining Aspergers to them.
  • They continue to be mean and tease you for your behaviours, even after they have been told of why you are doing things in certain ways.
  • They get easily irritated and annoyed by you.
  • They ignore you and exclude you from social situations and events.
  • They confine to people who dislike you and your behaviours.
  • They find reasons to put you down all the time.
  • They gossip and complain to other people all the time about you and your differences.

How do we deal with these people? 
  •  Remember you cannot change them.
  •  Accept you can not change them.
  •  Remember they can only effect you if you let them! 
  •  Brush off when they tease you or complain about you.
  •  Know that if that is how they treat you, you're better off not being their friend anyways! 
  • Do not change the way you are or how you do things because they want you to! In society everyone needs to learn to tolerate each other. Therefore you do not have to change because someone is intolerant of you! 
  • Continuing to be the nice person you are despite how rude they are to you. This shows that you are a better person! The good people will see this and their true colours. However with this tip; if they are doing something that crosses the line to the point they are taking advanatage of your niceness and maturity. Do not hesitate to stand up for yourself, or involve someone who can help you! 
  • Remember just because they say something hurtful or degrading about you, does not make it true! When people say mean things it is because they do not understand. (Such as saying, werid, crazy, unnormal, etc.)
  • Remember even if they don't have Aspergers they have habits and things they do that need tolerating! Therefore they have no right to not tolerate the things you do!
  • Keep smiling! Nothing gets up their nose more then seeing they don't affect you!
  •  Surround yourself with people who are open-minded, accepting and tolerant. These people see the beauty in your differences unlike the close-minded people.
  •  If they have made a mean statement or comment about you or Aspergers; remember they are close minded people for a reason! (They don't change their way of thinking) So do not comment back trying to prove them otherwise! They will only come back with more aggravation! I know it is hard when you see someone saying nasty things, but the best thing to do is to ignore it! By doing this you are showing you are the bigger person and avoiding the person getting nastier.

I hope I have helped you all! I have found this has helped myself tremendously having all these tips written out!  Remember you are a great person! Your are amazing and there is nothing wrong with you no matter what anyone says! Your differences are beautiful! They make you the very person you are!

Bye for now,
Love Molly xo

Saturday, September 7, 2013

When an Aspie is made to feel Annoying

As an Aspergers girl I have experienced many times over, the feeling of being a nuisance because of  my actions and responses which are not considered normal social behavior.

The worst thing for an Aspie to experience is when a person struggles to understand us and our behaviour.  

The person instead of learning why we are different, they excluded us and  treat us like a nuisance.

It is uttermost heartbreaking for the Aspie to feel like they annoy everyone. 
Yet many do not see how deeply it affects the Aspie. Many Aspies end up experiencing depression because of this. I often think how can I change so people like me and not think I am annoying? But at the end of the day you can't help but be yourself especially if you have Aspergers.

I have a younger sister who is very capable at normal social behaviour. A person often finds it easier to interact and socialize with her rather then myself.
Then the cycle begins, I am left excluded and they continue to enjoy each others company while I am made to occupy myself.

What can you do differently when you meet an Aspie (how you can make them feel understood):
1. Accept them as they are
2. Tolerate them (they can't help the way they are, just as you can't help but be the person you are!)
3. Treat them the way you treat everyone else
4. Include them (don't exclude them) 
5. Return their efforts to be friendly.

We want to make friends just like everyone.

Take note of this quote: don't criticize what you don't understand.

~ Molly xo

Monday, September 2, 2013

I am back! Recently moved to Perth, WA! New Topic: Social Anxiety

Hello everyone!
I am extremely sorry I have not been around for awhile now!
As the title suggests I am now living in Perth, Western Australia. After leaving Queensland for good in July.

I have so much to share with you all! But I want to keep this post simple, because myself the queen of detailing could easily write forever! Haha! (An Aspergers trait)

I now live in a lovely suburb just outside of Perth! I have a beautiful new home! There will be pictures to come!

Leaving behind my pets (how it affects an Aspie):
I had to leave two of my cats behind in Queensland. For a person with Aspergers it is very heartbreaking. I know it is hard enough for a neurotypical person. 
People with Aspergers very commonly grow attachments to their pets. This is because our pets are really sometimes the only ones who listen to us. They never judge us.
We feel accepted by them and we are not required to explain our behaviors to them.

My new schooling:
As for schooling I am now doing Distance TAFE. A certificate which will grant me year 12 equivalency and access to further learning and career choices.
I am quite happy with this arrangement as it gives me a nice break from the pressure to socially interact everyday with people I am not use to.

My developed Social Anxiety:
That brings me to another subject!
My social anxiety has become extremely prevalent and increasing worse over the past few months!
Social anxiety usually comes in hand with Aspergers.
This is because we begin to doubt ourselves as we grow older into our teenage years and adulthood. We become more aware of how our actions are being received by other people around us.

I am now finding it increasingly difficult to look people in the eye. When I become within a close distance to people I don't know I become anixous. This is causes my facial muscles to tighen making it hard for me to smile. 

I would like to know if you experience this and can relate?

I would also like to make those aware who meet me that this fear and anxiety I have (even around people close to me) is nothing personally to do with you! 

This is my own anxiety; stemmed from self doubt, fear of rejection and being misunderstood.
One of the best things you can do for me and other people with Aspergers and Social Anxiety is to expect no eye contact from us. Accept it if we look away while you talk to us. We greatly appreciate it when people do this for us.

A big thank you!
I must thank you all for supporting me through the last two years! I began Miss Molly and Aspergers at 15 years old and I have grown and developed so much since. I am sure this is evident to you.

Again I am really sorry I have not kept update with blogging. However now I can make the effort to. I have moved away from the difficulties I had in Queensland.
So now I am starting a fresh new life which is certain to bring you all very brand new perspective to my daily life living with Aspergers.

~ Molly xo

P.S Oops this post did not end up very simple. Hehe. :)

Want to see what I have been up to?
Below are my links to my hobby pages on Facebook:

Fremantle Harbour, Western Australia